As fall is in full swing thoughts are changing from cruising to winter storage. We will all soon be tucking in our vettes for a long winters nap (hibernation). It comes every year (we have no power to change), but we will be anxiously awaiting the first spring cruise.
We recently had a special meeting to discuss remaining an NCCC club or not. After a presentation and discussion explaining the pros and cons a motion was made and voted on. The vote was 39% to remain an NCCC club and 61% against. Since a 2/3 vote was needed to opt out, the motion was defeated. Two important points were made during the discussion as follows:
- We need to be diligent in getting waivers signed for all club cruises.
- We need more participation from membership in club activities and more volunteers/nominations for board positions.
We will be holding elections for board positions at the October meeting on Tuesday, October 11th. We will need at least one person for each position (2 or more preferred) so please consider serving next year. Thanks to those who have already volunteered.
Our winter venue for meetings will be at the Anchorage Marina and Yacht Club, 1800 Ottawa Beach Road. This will start at our November meeting for two meetings to test out the venue before committing for next year. Thank you Randy.
Upcoming events:
- The next upcoming event is the fall color tour on Saturday, October 22nd. More details and sign-up at next meeting.
- The Christmas dinner and auction will be held at the January meeting.
Craig Smith,
LCC President