Veterans Day is this week, Friday, so I will tart this month’s letter with a thank you to all LCC Veterans and all Veterans everywhere for their service. Also, thanks to their families for their support and sacrifices.
Additionally, I applaud Gary and Joy for a great fall color cruise. When corvettes, food and ice cream come together, life is grand. Gary is now working on a summer trip to Canada. He is in the process of reserving a block of rooms. This may be a Saturday thru Tuesday event with the ability for individuals to extend their stay when reserving their own room. If you are interested and have not signed up, please let Gary know. You will need a passport or an Enhanced Michigan license (check into this) to get in/out of Canada.
What a great venue for this November meeting. The marina was a good place for the meeting with great food at a reasonable price. Thanks to Randy K and John M for making the arrangements. The December meeting will also be at Anchorage Marina and Yacht Club. January’s meeting place has yet to be determined (may be at the same place if things work out).
We are still in need of a nominee or volunteer for the position of club secretary for next year. Please consider serving LCC!
The January meeting will be our annual Christmas Party. Each person brings 1 wrapped gift to be auctioned off. New or gently used and/or funny or practical! We will also be collecting non-perishable food or personal items for the Community Action House.
Craig Smith,
LCC President