President’s Letter – May
It was a great turnout for such a drab evening for our second cruise of the season. Spectators provided good food, drink and a private room for our meeting.
Our rally was successful this past weekend and even the weather cooperated. We had sixteen cars with many being from our own club. Thanks to all the volunteers and participants.
Our student scholarship recipient this year is Riley B. The $300 award was made out to Snap-on Tools where Riley should make out well with anticipated discounts from Snap-on. Thanks to the scholarship committee for selecting a worthy student. We will hopefully meet him at our June meeting.
The vote to replace Publication Director with Competition Director in Article IV Section 1 of the By-Laws was approved without opposition. This change will be made in the By-Laws along with Officer Job Descriptions in the Rules and Regulations. The web page will also be updated with these changes.
The new web page was rolled out (unveiled) for the first time at our May meeting. Many, many hours went into this endeavor. The cost was extremely minimal for this type of work, at about $160. The LCC logo was also upgraded (meaning digitalized and vectorized). This means print shops will have an easier time printing and it can be blown up to any size without becoming pixilated. Kudos to Brian and the board!
A couple of other notes: The Wings of Mercy CareAffaire had a change of date to August 27th, 2016. Brian will have all the Bloomington Gold information packets (including tickets, wristbands, etc.) available at the next meeting. Check the web page for upcoming events. Send a shout-out to the club members if you plan on attending any event (listed or new and different) if you would like some company.
Thanks for your participation and save the wave!
Craig Smith, President