President’s Letter –August
Thank you Tom and Jackie for a very warm evening cruise. Our dinner destination, “The Trestle Stop” seemed better prepared and the service was great (the food was good also). Our guests for the night were Eric and Sally Cammenga. They were driving a beautiful C2 blue corvette.
The results of the NCCC website competition have arrived. Regardless of the outcome, the effort put forth was extreme and time consuming. As an undergrad math major I once thought math was hard, but then again, web design had not been created yet! A quote by Paul Cookson says it all: “great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.” Thanks Brian for a fantastic web page and we should all remember that anything important should only be two clicks away! Also, as Brian has hinted, we need a volunteer to be the web page manager for the next year. The web page is up and running. All that is needed is the willingness for someone to learn how to make periodic updates.
Nominations were opened this month for officers for next year. Nomination for secretary was Cheryl, nomination for treasurer was Cora, and nomination for membership was Kay, all current board officers. The governor position had two nominees, Tom A and Edna. The board positions of vice-president and competition director had no nominees. More than one nominee for each position is desirable, but we need at least one nominee/volunteer for each position. Please consider serving on the board and participating in LCC.
I would like to thank everyone for taking time to fill out the survey. The survey is intended to give insight and guide the new board in the upcoming year. Anyone who has not filled out the survey may still do so. One will be mailed and/or placed on the web site.
Upcoming events:
LCC Rally Saturday, August 20th
Wings of Mercy Saturday, August 27th, Depart Sam’s Club at 7:15 am
LCC meeting Tuesday, September 13th
Craig Smith,
LCC President