President’s Letter – April
It was a great turnout for our first cruise of the year. It was also good to see members returning from warmer climates for the summer and our newest members Michael & Lila and Jack & Cheryl.
Our next get together will be our Saturday, May 7th rally. We will meet as Sam’s Club parking lot (rain or shine) at or before 9:00 am for instructions and registration. The cost for the rally is $35.00 and those who are checkpoint volunteers may also run the rally. We will end up at the Stables restaurant for lunch and awards. Let’s show a lot of support from our membership as the proceeds allow LCC to make generous donations to area charities.
The Bloomington Gold trip in June will be well attended. A total of nineteen cars will make the trip with room for 1 more. Please make sure you have registered with the hotel. On the way to our hotel, lunch with an Amish family along with area attractions will be interesting!
LCC By-Laws will be updated. Associate membership was removed in November 2014 and this will be reflected in the updated version. It was also proposed to replace the Publications Director as an officer with Competition Director (Article IV, Section 1). A 2/3 vote of approval at the next meeting will be needed to make this amendment to the By-Laws.
The board position of Past President will act as Director Emeritus and will be an advisory position only in the clubs Rules and Regulations. It was also a consensus to leave the reference to Robert’s Rules of Order in Article VII, Section 4 of the Rules and Regulations. However, a 1 page simplified guide may be drawn up to help with everyday business of the club.
Please reference the web page for up-coming events and information!
Craig Smith, President