President’s Letter: February 2016

President’s Letter – February

We had another good meeting with great attendance for a cold wintery night. Thanks for welcoming guests Mike and Lila (2016 Corvette) to our meeting.  Only 2 months until our first cruise!

Our membership stands at 51 with the possibility of several new members. Congratulations to point winners Roger, Edna, Rick, Cheryl, Cora, and Brian for a great 2015.

Our web page is looking great with new upgrades coming soon.   We still need profiles to add to the web page.  Brain anticipates entering the NCCC web page design contest. If you need help sending profiles to Brian or uploading/downloading pictures, bring to the next meeting and someone will help you.  We now know (Miller’s profile) that not only cows can jump over the moon!

I am personally looking forward to Bloomington Gold. We have an additional 4 rooms available to reserve, which will bring the total to 20.  Sign up soon!  For those already signed up, remember to get your $73 (for the suite and parking) to Brian.

In brief: Rally’s are well into the planning stage, just waiting for dates.

Treasurer reports a balance of approx., $3,300.

Tom A.  is working on scholarship recipient.

Tech corner:  lithium ion car start battery etc.

See you at Stacie/Brian’s  home 1:00 pm, Sat. Feb. 20th.

Additional club information may be found our webpage: Any questions or concerns please contact a board member. Next Meeting:  March 8th at Brann’s

Craig Smith,

LCC President